The Corona Protocol
A Scientifically Proven Medical Solution to Stop Addiction, Bullying, Homelessness, School Shootings, and Suicide 30 Years in the Making aims to help countless people alleviate the needless suffering for those suffering with mental health issues. Introducing a new methodology that bridges the gap between modern medicine and the intricate interplay of the mind and body.
This transformative guide marks an evolution of healthcare, providing a blueprint for a holistic approach to well-being that transcends traditional medical boundaries, pioneering an approach he calls, “Mind and Body Healing.”
Dr. Corona challenges the stigma associated with mental health, presenting a comprehensive protocol that goes beyond conventional therapies. His protocol spans neuroscience, psychology, and medical practice, offering a new approach that’s been implemented over many years.
At the core of “The Corona Protocol” is Dr. Corona’s meticulous diagnostic process. Focusing on personal and family history, he navigates the intricate landscape of each patient’s neurochemistry, offering a personalized approach rooted in evidence-based practice. This approach minimizes the often-frustrating trial-and-error process, providing effective solutions for improved well-being.
“The Corona Protocol” isn’t just a medical guide; it’s a guide aimed at comprehensive well-being. Dr. Corona’s perseverance, compassion, and scientific rigor invites readers to join him in his quest to redefine an important section of modern medicine.
Healing Mind and Body: 3
Patients are as likely to be interested as doctors in this third volume of Dr. Paul Corona’s Healing the Mind and Body by discovering the critical importance of:
Collecting a comprehensive record of the patient’s family history, personal history and medical history, because these factors have everything to do with the development, diagnosis and effective treatment of mood disorders.
Having on hand a complete and up-to-date reference guide to the psychotropic medications available for the treatment of mood disorders and useful descriptions regarding the pros and cons of various medications, explaining, for instance, why one medication with similar properties to another may be less effective with some patients.
Having a rational approach to treating mood disorders, including keys to choosing the best medication as soon as possible, knowing when to increase or decrease the dosage or add an augmenting agent, and practical insights on how these decisions are made, based on years of experience.
Knowing each patient as a person and closely tracking his or her progress until all of the doctor-patient goals of optimum well-being have been achieved. These concerns are illustrated through a number of case histories in which readers are likely to recognize themselves or someone they know.
Responding to increased encroachment of government intervention and control of the healthcare industry. Dr. Corona’s analysis of the broken state of our current medical system reveals serious flaws and loopholes that not only permit abuse but encourage it. At times controversial, his assessment of managed care, Obamacare and the trend toward socialized medicine raises an alarm that must not be ignored. Instead of allowing our medical treatment options to continue to slip out of our hands and patient services to continue to deteriorate, Dr. Corona offers solutions and strategies to return health care to a free market system.
Healing Mind and Body: 2
In this Doctor and Patient Guide of Healing the Mind and Body you will learn:
Why the cooperative healing process begins in the exam room and what you can do during the interview to maximize its benefits.
The mysterious ways that the nervous system affects no only mood and feeling, but also how our thoughts can produce real physical disorders and illnesses as well.
The uniqueness of every human brain, in particular developmental strategies most people use to cope with stress, and how today’s medications combined with a number of time-honored spiritual traditions can help us manage harmful stress.
How mood disorders and addiction form a vicious cycle in which the one constantly reinforces the others, and the means that the family physician now has on hand to break the cycle by addressing both mood and addition.
The impossibility, hardship and health risks of living with someone who has a personality disorder – for example, the narcissist, sociopath, borderline or histrionic – and how to recognize patterns associated with personality disorders and strategies for moving your life forward without losing your mind.
How working with people who suffer from mood disorders is like solving a living puzzle, only much more challenging and a million times more rewarding.
Healing Mind and Body: 1
Over the last 16 years, Dr. Paul Corona has treated tens of thousands of patients who struggle with a number of common ailments and issues because of chemical imbalances in the nervous system. These imbalances span the spectrum, from acid reflux, recurrent insomnia and chronic fatigue to bipolar disorders, unconquerable depression, fibromyalgia, and bodily rebalancing and recovery from chemotherapy and radiation.
Using a creative approach to mind and medicine, Dr. Corona is creating breakthroughs for his patients … in many cases, years after the patient first started reporting the problem to other physicians or psychiatrists.
Over time, Dr. Corona concluded that neurochemical imbalances are by far the most under-recognized, under-diagnosed and under-treated medical problems in the world today. Dr. Corona continues to dedicate his every day to changing this trend.
In 2002, after a decade of very successful practice in this endeavor, he began writing about the solution, partly from passion to teach the world about this simplistic solution, and partly out of frustration upon realizing that patients do not have a good source of information on this topic. Further, doctors don’t have clear guidance on treatment because of inadequate training on the subject.