Healing Mind and Body: Volume 1

Healing Mind and Body: Volume 1
Over the last 16 years, Dr. Paul Corona has treated tens of thousands of patients who struggle with a number of common ailments and issues because of chemical imbalances in the nervous system. These imbalances span the spectrum, from acid reflux, recurrent insomnia and chronic fatigue to bipolar disorders, unconquerable depression, fibromyalgia, and bodily rebalancing and recovery from chemotherapy and radiation.
Using a creative approach to mind and medicine, Dr. Corona is creating breakthroughs for his patients … in many cases, years after the patient first started reporting the problem to other physicians or psychiatrists.
Over time, Dr. Corona concluded that neurochemical imbalances are by far the most under-recognized, under-diagnosed and under-treated medical problems in the world today. Dr. Corona continues to dedicate his every day to changing this trend.
In 2002, after a decade of very successful practice in this endeavor, he began writing about the solution, partly from passion to teach the world about this simplistic solution, and partly out of frustration upon realizing that patients do not have a good source of information on this topic. Further, doctors don’t have clear guidance on treatment because of inadequate training on the subject.