(949) 481-0118

30011 Ivy Glenn Dr. Suite 101 Laguna Niguel, CA. 92677

Where Black Box Warnings Go Wrong for Bipolar Disorder

Lately, the media has given a lot of attention to “Black Box Warnings” for increased risk of suicide for patients under 18 years of age to mid-20s who are prescribed psychotropic medications. For every highly publicized individual instance of a radically adverse response to medication, there are thousands of patients who have benefitted from treatment and … Read more

Non-addictive medications help relieve depression, other symptoms

From Dr. Paul Corona’s book, Healing the Mind and Body, Volume 3 We’re so fortunate to live in a time when many excellent medications are widely available to relieve depression and other symptoms. In one generation, the treatment of anxiety and depression has moved from symptomatic medications and narcotics – that did little more than dull the emotional … Read more