(949) 481-0118

30011 Ivy Glenn Dr. Suite 101 Laguna Niguel, CA. 92677

Causes of Addiction

Addiction and, more importantly, getting to the root cause of addiction is a difficult problem that plagues our society, and it seems to be worsening and more destructive over time. The solution is not simple, as there are a host of factors that contribute. This is the start of a multi-part blog on this subject … Read more

Cures for Insomnia

I will now discuss the treatment of and cures for insomnia, which is varied. It is important to not forget good sleep hygiene habits, such as not watching a stimulating t.v. program or movie or reading a suspenseful novel right before bedtime. Light reading can be very helpful though, without the t.v. on. Relaxation techniques … Read more

What is Insomnia?

What is insomnia? This is one of the more common problems I encounter in my practice. It can be a difficult problem to resolve, and I will outline my treatment strategy to combat insomnia. There are different types of insomnia, with the most common being difficulty falling asleep or early morning awakening. The first refers … Read more

Curing Headaches

Now that I’ve discussed Types of Headaches, the focus of headache treatment and curing headaches is usually pain relief, such as with Tylenol, antiinflammatories (likr Ibuprofen and  naproxyn variants such as motrin, advi, aleve, etc.), opiates (codeine-based products/narcotics) and sinus/allergy meds if this is a factor. Migraine medications such as Imitrex, Zomig, Relpax and several … Read more

Types of Headaches

Headaches are a common problem for many patients that I see. It is one of the most common stress related symptoms. The most common symptom related to stress is tension of the muscles of the neck, trapezius (muscles from the neck to the shoulder) and upper back muscles. The muscles of the neck attach to … Read more

Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia symptoms been mentioned frequently for years, but there has been more discussion recently given the approval of two more medications to treat it with. There are established clinical criteria to diagnose it, which is important since some in the medical community don’t feel it is a real disease, but rather the figment of imagination … Read more

ADD and ADHD Symptoms

ADD/ADHD is a common medical problem that I diagnose and treat. There is alot of confusion and misunderstanding about this topic, and it is often misdiagnosed and not properly treated, so I will try to clarify it.There is written and other types of testing, which can be cumbersome with regard to time and expense.It is … Read more

Chemotherapy and Moods

I have had several patients who are cancer survivors that have gone through treatment with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I have had several requests on my website and at the office to comment on the association between chemotherapy and moods – the actual neurochemical imbalances causing mood disturbances. Many of my patients have reported incredible life-changing results … Read more