Obviously, when people seek me out, they’re hurting in some way. Something doesn’t feel right.
Once an appointment is scheduled, I ask my client to complete my Online Pre-Appointment Survey, which helps us zero in on what’s not working, as well as symptoms of how they’re feeling.
When we meet together in person (or in long distance cases, on Skype), this is something we discuss at even greater depth. I think, though, that what surprises my clients the most in my personal approach has to do with asking them when they last felt really great.
Sometimes, clients and doctors (psychologists and psychiatrists included) focus only on what’s not right. Of course, this is part of the entire process to finding a way to feel better, but many clients and doctors stop at just that.
For me, it’s important that we establish the barometer immediately – when did you last feel really GREAT? When I ask that question, it’s amazing to watch people’s expressions change. Instead of focusing on what’s gone wrong or how badly they feel, they immediately begin searching their memory banks for the great moments in their lives. And, I’m happy to say, every client I’ve ever met has definitely experienced great moments!
For my practice, it’s not about trying to just cover up the pain or treat the mental, emotional or physical discomfort with some sort of solution that make you feel mildly better. I think a lot of people settle for that because even feeling a little better is better, right?
Not for me. Feeling a little better isn’t good enough for me. It’s not what I would settle for in my own life, so why would I ask you to settle?
It’s important that we get you back to feeling as great as the greatest moments in time in your life. Granted, some of those great moments may have included people in your life who have passed on or moved on but, as we eventually come to recognize, feeling great about one’s life is not contingent on who’s around you – it’s contingent only on how you choose to live and how you choose to define your life.
You deserve to feel great again. That’s what I’m here for. Call me, Dr. Paul Corona, to set up an appointment at (949) 481-0118 or go online to do the same: Schedule An Appointment