mental health
Dr. Corona Show: Why This Society Has Gone Wrong, EP 117
In this episode Dr. Corona gives us an update on the plandemic and where society has gone so wrong. Please subscribe to the podcast.
Dr. Corona Show: Plandemic Update and An Introduction of a New Book, EP 116
In this episode Dr. Paul speaks briefly about the plandemic and vaccines best focuses mostly on his upcoming 6th book.
Dr. Corona Show: An update on the Plandemic and Vaccines, EP 115
In this episode Dr. Paul discusses updates about the plandemic and the experimental drugs referred to as vaccines.
Dr. Corona Show: Why do people think antidepressants increase suicide?, EP 114
In this episode Dr. Corona goes over the use of antidepressants and some of the myths around the use of these treatments.
Dr. Corona Show: An Update on Vaccines and the Pandemic, EP 113
In this episode Dr. Paul gives a vaccine and plandemic update. He shares his strong views about vaccinating children.
Dr. Corona Show: School Shootings Part 2, EP 111
In this episode Dr bPaul continues discussing school shootings, and shares his views on January 6th.
Dr. Corona Show: School Shootings, EP 110
In this episode Dr. Paul discusses the recent School Shooting in Texas.
Dr. Corona Show: COVID Updates and Mental Health, EP 109
In this episode Dr. Paul gives COVID updates, then continues from last episode discussing the stigma of mental illness.
Dr. Corona Show: A Time for Hope Part 3 for Mother’s Day, EP 107
In this Episode Dr. Paul continues his series that started at episode 104 about his concerns about the state of this nation and the world.